In the shadow of the temple : Jewish influences on early Christianity /
Oskar Skarsaune.
- 455 p. ; 23 cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
Contents: Part 1 The Mother Soil: Judaism From the Maccabees to the Rabbis -- 1. The Cultural Dimension: Judaism & Hellenism -- Introduction: The Maccabean Revolt -- Alexander the Great and the Triumph of Hellenism -- The Hellenistic City: The Polis -- Hellenism in Israel -- A New Conception of the Torah -- The Concept of Judaism -- Greek in Israel -- Active Dissemination of Judaism and Christianity -- Postscript -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 2. The Political Dimension: Jews & the Roman Empire -- The End of the Hasmonean Dynasty and the Beginning of Roman Rule -- The Bar Kokhba Revolt -- The Tension Between Jews and Romans -- The Legal Position of Jewish and Gentile Believers -- Epilogue -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 3. The Geographical Dimension: The Land of Israel & the Diaspora -- The Diaspora -- The Land of Israel -- The Galilee -- Jerusalem: The Capital of All Jews -- "Palestinian" Judaism and "Hellenistic" Judaism? -- The Geography of Synagogue and Church -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 4. Jerusalem: The City of the Temple -- Was Jerusalem Relevant? -- The Temple and the Pilgrimages -- The Temple: The Financial Significance -- The Temple: The Religious Significance -- The Chief Priests, the Priests and the Levites -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 5. How Many "Judaism"? -- Introduction: "Give me Jabnel!" -- The Priestly Elite -- Priestly Judaism: The Sadducees -- Priestly Judaism: The Community at Qumran and the Essenes -- The Community at Qumran -- The Essenes -- Priestly Judaism for Laypeople: The Pharisees -- Judaism Apart from the Temple: The Synagogue -- Nationalistic Judaism: The Zealots -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- Part 2: Christian Beginnings: From Jewish Party to Gentile Church -- 6. Jesus Within Judaism -- "The Old Quest" -- "The New Quest" -- "The Third Quest": A Jewish Quest -- Jesus and the Hope of Israel -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 7. The Early Jerusalem Community of Believers in Jesus -- The Importance of Jerusalem to the Early Church -- Conflict in the Temple; Sympathy from the People -- Increased Conflict: The "Hellenists" -- The First Believers' View of the Temple -- What About the Torah? -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 8. The Mission to the Gentiles & the Question of the Torah -- Problems? -- The Role of Paul and the Apostolic Council -- The Mission to the God-Fearing Gentiles -- The Reaction of the Roman Authorities -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 9. The Land of Israel: The Church of Jewish Believers -- Internal Diversity -- The Sources -- Jewish Believers in the Land of Israel (I): The Archaeology of Holy Places -- Jerusalem: The Holy Sepulchre -- Jerusalem: A Community Center on Mount Zion? -- Capernaum: The House of Peter? -- Nazareth -- Jewish Believers in the Land of Israel (II): Literary Evidence -- The Relatives of Jesus -- Eusebiu's List of Jewish Christian "Bishops" -- The Rabbis and the Minim -- Bar Kokhba and the Jewish Believers -- The Nazarenes -- The Ebionites -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 10. The Diaspora: The Church of Jews & Gentiles -- The Apostolic Fathers -- 1 Clement -- Didache -- Ignatius -- Barnabas -- Concluding Remarks: The Jewish Believers as the Theological Teachers of Gentile Christianity -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 11. Encounter with Paganism - & the Jewish Heritage -- Introduction -- Conversion in Judaism and Christianity -- The Apologists -- The Martyrs of Lyons -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 12. Orthodoxy & Heresy: The Challenge from Gnosticism & Marcion -- The Basic Definition of Heresy -- The Fundamentals of Gnostic Doctrine -- Gnosticism and Christianity -- The Origins of Gnosticism -- Gnostic Elitism -- Marcion -- Conclusion: Heresy and Orthodoxy -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 13. Elder & Younger Brothers: The Second-Century Debate with Judaism -- Introduction: The Bitterness of Family Strife -- From Jewish Self-Criticism to Anti-Jewish Slogans -- The Assertiveness of the Younger Brother -- Justin's Dialogue with Trypho -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- Part 3: The Persistence of the Jewish Heritage: Faith & Order in the Early Church -- 14. Which Books Belong in the Bible? The Question of Canon -- What Is "Scripture"? -- The Old Testament Canon in Judaism and the Early Church -- Delimiting the Hebrew Canon -- The Old Testament Apocrypha -- Delimiting The New Testament Canon -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 15. Christology in the Making (I): The Messiah -- Jesus: The Messiah? -- The Messianic Task -- Confessing Belief in the Messiah: The Apostolic Creed -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 16. Christology in the Making (II): The Incarnate Word -- Eastern and Western Christology -- Eastern Christology: Hellenistic? -- Wisdom Incarnate -- Jesus and Wisdom/Torah -- The Father and the Son -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 17. The Creative Spirit -- From Spirit to Organization? -- The Spirit Who Creates -- Spirit, Eucharist and Ministry -- Charismatic Gifts -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 18.Conversion, Baptism & New Life -- Conversion and Baptism in the Early Community: The Double Background -- Jewish and Christian Baptism -- Jewish and Christian Ritual of Conversion - - Pre-Baptismal Instruction -- Fasting, Prayer and Exorcism -- Renouncing the Devil, Confessing Faith -- The "Living Water" of Baptism -- Going Down, Coming Up" -- Undressing and Dressing Anew -- Post-Baptismal Anointing -- The Baptismal Eucharist -- The Season for Baptism -- Baptism, Spirit and New Life -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 19. Worship & Calendar: The Christian Week and Year -- Freedom and Order -- The Big Novelty of Christian Worship: The First Day -- Sunday Worship -- The Service of the Word -- The Christian Day and Week -- The Christian Year -- Passover (Pesach) and Easter -- The Jewish Festival of Weeks (Shavuot) and Christian Pentecost -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- 20. Passover & Eucharist -- The Eucharist: Lines of Development -- The Eucharist Prayer and the Passover Meal -- The Eucharistic Prayers in Didache 9-10 -- The Eucharistic Prayer in Justin and Polycarp -- The Eucharistic Prayer in Hippolytus -- The Eucharist as Sacrifice -- Postscript -- Temple Square -- Suggestions for Further Reading -- Part 4: Epilogue -- 21. The Church Facing a New Era -- The Great Roman Crisis and Restitution -- The Great Persecution -- "The Constantinian Revolution" -- What Has the Emperor to Do with the Church? -- Renouncing the World in a "Christian" Empire -- "The Sanctification of Time" -- The Sanctification of Places: The Idea of the Holy Land -- Christian Philo-Semitism: A Grass-Roots Movement -- Postscript: No End -- Suggestions for Further Reading