The early church /

Frend, W. H. C.

The early church / by W. H. C. Frend. - Philadelphia, PA : J. B. Lippincott Co, c1965. - 288 p. : 21 cm.

Includes bibliography and index

1. Rome and the Mediterraneaen world -- 2. Rome and First-Century Judaism -- 3. The primitive community -- 4. The Old Israel and the New -- 5. The Gnostics. Marcion -- 6. A generation of crisis -- 7. Three cities: Rome, Carthage and Alexandria -- 8. Origen -- 9. Decius-Valerian: A decade of persecution -- 10. The dawn of the new Era -- 11. The great persecution -- 12. East and West to Nicaea -- 13. The Arian controversy -- 14. Julian the Apostate -- 15. The triumph of Orthodoxy -- 16. Ambrose of Milan and Theodosius -- 17. Asceticism and the monastic movement in the fourth century -- 18. St. Augustine of Hippo -- 19. The conflicts of Eastern Christendom -- 20. The development of the papacy from Damascus to Celestine -- 21. Leo and Chalcedon -- 22. Church and people from Constantine to Leo



BR 165 / F889 1965

Philippine Baptist Theological Seminry | 19 Tacay Road, Central Guisad, Baguio City 2600, Philippines