The Fathers of the Church : St. Augustine : tractates on the gospel of John 112-24, tractates on the first epistle of John /

The Fathers of the Church : St. Augustine : tractates on the gospel of John 112-24, tractates on the first epistle of John / translated by John W. Rettig - 301 pages ; 22 cm - Volume 92 - The Fathers of the Church ; Volume 92 . - The Fathers of the Church series ; Volume 92 .


Tractates on the Gospel on the John Tractate 112
Tractate 113
Tractate 114
Tractate 115
Tractate 116
Tractate 117
Tractate 118
Tractate 119
Tractate 120
Tractate 121
Tractate 122
Tractate 123
Tractate 124

Tractates on the First Epistle of John
Tractate 1
Tractate 2
Tractate 3
Tractate 4
Tractate 5
Tractate 6
Tractate 7
Tractate 8
Tractate 9
Tractate 10

General Index for Tr in Ev
General Index for Tr in Io Ep
Indices of the Holy Scripture
Scriptural Index for Tr in Ev
Scriptural Index for Tr in Io Ep


Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo [354-430 AD] --Treatise

Fathers of the church

92 BR 1705 / F269 1995

Philippine Baptist Theological Seminry | 19 Tacay Road, Central Guisad, Baguio City 2600, Philippines