The Christian counselor's manual :

Adams, Jay E.

The Christian counselor's manual : the practice of nouthetic counseling / Jay E. Adams. - Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan, c1973. - 476 pages : 22 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Part 1. The persons --
The persons involved in counseling -- The holy spirit is the principal person -- The human counselor -- The counselee --

Part 2. The presuppositions and principles --
Presuppositions and principles basic to counseling a limited number of presuppositions and principles -- Hope -- Prayer: the base for Christian counseling -- The reconciliation/discipline dynamic -- Reconciliation -- Presuppositions and methodology -- Technique --

Part 3. The practice and process --
The language of counseling -- The language of emotion and action -- Sin is the problem -- Love in counseling -- Support, sympathy, and empathy -- The motivation for change -- Effecting biblical change -- Elements of dehabituation and rehabituation -- Getting started -- Goals and terminal dates -- The commitment of the counselee -- Is there a problem? -- Two basic approaches -- Ways of gathering data -- Asking questions -- Helping through homework -- An analysis of homework -- Ways of using homework assignments -- Gifts that differ -- How to handle anger -- Dealing with envy, brooding, fretting, and self-pity -- Helping depressed persons -- Helping the "Schizophrenic" -- Resolving sexual difficulties -- Helping those who fear -- Counseling those who fear that they have committed the unpardonable sin --


Acc#31015, 44393


BV 4012.2 / Ad18 1973

Philippine Baptist Theological Seminry | 19 Tacay Road, Central Guisad, Baguio City 2600, Philippines